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“Water supply, management, and quality”

Assessment will be both formative and summative.  Daily assignments, quizzes, and a chapter test will be given to evaluate understanding of the concepts, as well as my jeopardy power point, which is included in the UBD on my website.  Assessment will also be evaluated informally by watching students interacting while they are involved in their learning activities.  The student’s data from these activities should have outcomes that are relatively close to the desired outcomes.

Daily work will be graded and count 15% of student’s grade for this unit.

Quizzes (two) will be graded and count 15%.

Lab activities will be graded and count 10%.

Jeopardy Game (unit review) will be graded and count 10%.

Unit Test will be graded and count 35%.

Group Power Point Projects will be graded and count 15%.

(See Rubric's and point distribution on Unit Activities Page for more information)

Point Distribution:

*Daily Work = 45 pts.

*Quizzes = 45 pts.

*Labs = 30 pts.

*Jeopardy = 20 pts.  Plus a chance for 5 bonus points.

*Unit Test = 100 pts.

*Group Project = 45 pts.

            Total =    285 pts