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Environmental Science

“Water supply, management, and quality”

Unit’s daily activities:

Day 1 – Introduction of water supply and management.  Power Point on the nature of water.  Short water lab on the 3 states of water.


Day 2 – Salty Solutions Activity.  Overhead notes on sources of water and discussion on the importance of water.


Day 3 – Water storage and distribution, and water management notes.  Analyze a watershed reference map.  Chapter14 questions.


Day 4 – Chapter 14 quiz.  Introduction to water quality.  Power Point on water quality.  Explanation of taking a water sample and performing water tests.


Day 5 – Determine water quality standards.  Collect a water sample and perform the following tests: 1.Dissolved oxygen test  2.Water hardness  3.Sodium and phosphate test  4.pH test & salinity test.  Then interpret the results, including laws and rights that may apply.


Day 6 – Interpret and analyze the results and develop possible solutions, and retest water.  Start group power point presentation research on water quality.


Day 7 - Presentation workday.


Day 8 – Group Power Point Presentations (see website for grading rubric)


Day 9 – Discuss the water cycle and processes.  Models of the Water Cycle Activity on the Internet and simulation.


Day 10 – Overhead notes on flowing and non-flowing water sources.  Discuss water pollution and water monitoring & testing.


Day 11 – Calculating water needs of farm/rural communities.  Worksheet with water calculations.  Chapter 15 questions


Day 12 – Quiz over chapter 15.  Jeopardy review game (found on my website).  Final Review.


Day 13 – Test over chapters 14 and 15.