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“Water supply, management, and quality”

In Conclusion:

Water plays a crucial role in the regulation of our environment.  Therefore it essential to study the science of the H20 compound.  The integration of science, math, agriculture, geography, and technology will be incorporated into the unit.  Students will use science to analyze water.  Math will be used to calculate water use/waste problems. Agricultural aspects will focus on farm/rural water needs and soil water content.  Geography maps will be used to distinguish between areas with differing water quantities and qualities.  Finally, using new water testing equipment as well as computers and the Internet to research the topic will incorporate Technology.  Overall students should gain a basic understanding of water related ideas and be able to apply it to practical usage.

The interrelationship of science, technology, and society impacts the world and its resources. Technology is essential to science because it enhances scientific observations of phenomena and provides tools for investigations, inquiry and analysis. Science and technology provide the solutions to many human problems; however, solutions may have unintended consequences. Through the use of technology, students will better understand the benefits, risks, and constraints of scientific problem solving.


This lesson was developed in accordance with the textbook Environmental Science and Technology  2nd edition.  Published by Interstate Publishing and written by Lynn Porter, Jasper S. Lee, Diana L. Turner, and Malcolm Hillan.  All chapter questions, quizzes, and tests are offered with the additional resources that can be purchased with this textbook.

UBD Information & Website design by: Michael Christopherson

Jeopardy Power point design by: Michael Christopherson

Music provided by: Midi Music Television Theme Songs - www.musicselections.com/television.html

Special Thanks to the Fouke FFA web page and power point designers for the water power points.

Thanks to the SD FFA for providing curriculum standards and http://www.state.sd.us/deca/dacs/ContentStandards/index.htm. for providing content standards, benchmarks, etc.

Thanks to USGS - Http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/ for water graphics.