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“Water supply, management, and quality”

(See Day by Day Lesson Plans for Daily Plans and activities)

Learning Activities:

1.  Salty Solutions Activity - Students will learn a method to measure salt content in water by using a refractometer.

2.  Models of the Water Cycle Activity- To develop an understanding of the water cycle by building and evaluating two different physical models. 

3.  Note Taking through the use of Power Points and Overheads (See Given Water Power Points on Previous Page) - Students are strongly encouraged to take notes and participate in class.  Question will often be asked throughout classes to determine level of understanding.

4.  Water Sampling - Determine water quality standards.  Collect a water sample and perform the following tests: 1.Dissolved oxygen test  2.Water hardness  3.Sodium and phosphate test  4.pH test & salinity test.  Then interpret the results, including laws and rights that may apply.  Finally, students will develop possible solutions, and retest the water.

5.  Class Presentations - Students will develop a Power Point Presentation, in which they deliver a presentation on an aspect of water that we discussed (for example: hydrologic cycle, testing water, water pollution, etc.) that actively engages the class in the activity.  This presentation is a group effort, but individual grades will be assigned according to overall grade, while considering the amount of effort each individual put into the project.  This activity will count 15% of the individual's unit grade.  Grading rubric for this on 100 point scale includes: (*60% for content, ideas, and voice),  (*20% for organization and power point quality), (10% for Grammar, spelling, etc.), (5% for group cooperation), and (5% for engaging the rest of the class in the presentation).  Following the presentation each member of the group will fill out a peer evaluation form, in which they evaluate the effort of each member in the group.

6.  Water Labs – Composition and states of water labs will be conducted.  Labs make-up 10% of the unit grade.

7.  Class Discussions - Student's will all be actively engaged in discussing various items during this unit.

8.  Calculating water needs of farm/rural communities - Student will perform mathematic calculations to complete water needs questions.  Then they will visit the following site to perform calculations interactively on the internet: 


  9.  Quizzes (2), Tests (1), and Daily Assignments (2-4) - There will be one quiz over each chapter.  Combined quizzes will be worth 15% of the unit grade.  There will be one unit test worth 35% of the grade.  The (2-4) daily assignments will be worth approximately 15% of the grade.  All daily assignments, quizzes, and tests are offered with the additional resources that can be purchased with  the textbook Environmental Science and Technology  2nd edition.  Published by Interstate Publishing and written by Lynn Porter, Jasper S. Lee, Diana L. Turner, and Malcolm Hillan.

10.  Jeopardy Power Point - Students will compete in the Jeopardy Power Point on the Previous Page as a review for the test.  Participation will be worth 10% of the Unit Grade.  5 Bonus Points will also be awarded to the winning team's members.